Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Doing Nothing after Doing A lot of work

I find it quite very relieving after finishing as task done for almost eight hours. It is exhausting and sometimes very frustrating specially if at the peak of what ever you are doing, you suddenly end up messing the last few things. After fixing the mess that is done and after all that long hard work, ironically I crave for something to do just to buy time since I end up finishing my task on a rather fast pace.

Currently I am on a training for a SEO company and is doing nothing but searching sites. A quota of hundred sites seems very impossible to meet on an eight hour working hours. As the training progress, I found ways to make my work easier and searched sites as fast as I could in order to have a time for relaxation. Well, its tiring to work but its more infuriating to wait for the time to pass with nothing to do. So here I am doing starting a blog just to buy time and entertain myself so I will not get bored waiting for the time.

I am hoping I would be doing just fine after this training and if I am to pursue this career, then I wish I would still find a time for me to do nothing and play around with my blog. I wish I would be bored again to open my, I don't know the count anymore of this, blog just to entertain myself. I hate boring jobs but it seems it is the only opportunity I can grab for now. Maybe I'll get use to doing a lot of work and then if done early will do nothing but wait for the time to pass by. :D

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