Saturday, May 1, 2010

Paklay: Goat's Guts

This my friend is called a Goat's guts. Actually, its just a term to make "Paklay" sounds enticing. It is a one of the favorite Filipino recipe which involves cooking the internal organs of the Capra aegagrus hircus commonly known as the goat.

Guts? Sounds very yucky right? Just imagine the internals entering you mouth and a odorous smells welcomes your nose while devouring the unimaginable. Well, it is not really like that. Actually it taste really good. It is indeed the internals you are eating but minus the odor if it is cooked well.  Just don't be deceived by the idea of eating a disgusting guts, then you would surely taste an exotic cuisine with fine taste.  A mixture of a sour feeling and bitter taste makes it very appealing to the taste buds.

This Paklay "Goat Guts", is actually cooked by my personal favorite infamous chef that I usually bully, my brother. I always scold him for being a reckless cook, but I do commend him for a job well done in cooking this tough food. He made it find that you could no longer care whether it is an internal of a goat. The taste is just perfect. Even the mixtures of the ingredients, you could say it is a fine cuisine. Just don't

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